Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.10.2019 16:32
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Institute of Physics celebrated 70th anniversary of academician Arif Hashimov

Institute of Physics celebrated 70th anniversary of academician Arif Hashimov

Institute of Physics of ANAS has hosted for the scientific session dedicated to the 70th anniversary of a celebrate scientist in the field of energy, Honored Scientist, laureate of the State Prize, director of the Research and Design Research Institute of Energy "Azerenergy" JSC, academician Arif Hashimov.

At the anniversary event, deputy director for academic affairs of the Institute, academician Javid Abdinov spoke about the scientist's life and scientific and pedagogical activities. He said that in 1971 he graduated from the Faculty of Energy of Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry (now Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University) and started working in the Laboratory of Electrophysics at the Institute of Physics. He was elected director of the Institute of Physics in 2002 and held this position until 2009. He is currently the head of the High-Voltage Physics and Technique Lab at the Institute of Physics and at the same time director of the Scientific-Research and Design-Research Energy Institute of "Azerenergy" OJSC.

According to him, Hashimov was the first vice-president of ANAS in 2007-2013. He has lectured at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy for several years and has been a professor at the Department of High Voltage Techniques and Electrothermal Engineering.

Then, Adila Abasova, head of the Social Legislation Department of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor of the Department of Semiconductor Physics at Baku State University, spoke about the long-term scientific, scientific-practical and organizational activities of academician A. Hashimov. She congratulated the scientist on his 70th anniversary and wished him success in his work.

Speaking at the event, head of the Institute of Physics of Non-Crystalline Semiconductors, corresponding member of ANAS Salima Mehdiyeva said that Azerbaijan Scientific School of High Voltage Physics and Techniques, created by academician Chingiz Juvarli, has been significantly developed by Arif Hashimov, in addition he is one of the key initiators of the 2003 international conference on "Physical and Technical Problems in Energy", dedicated to the memory of Chingiz Juvarly, which has been traditionally held in different countries around the world for 16 years.

Later on, deputy director of Innovation and Transfer of the Institute, Dr. Physics-math Ayaz Bayramov, PhD in Physics Kamil Gurbanov and others spoke about the services of the scientist in training highly qualified specialists and congratulated him.

In conclusion, academician A. Hashimov expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the Institute of Physics for organizing the event.

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