Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.11.2019 10:12
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The history of carpet - weaving in Ganjabasar region is being studied

The history of carpet - weaving in Ganjabasar region is being studied

At the end of October 2019, the “Carpentry” sector of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS has visited in Goranboy region.

The head sector, Dr. History Professor Vidadi Muradov informed about the results of the research and said that the expedition was carried out within a series of research on "The history of carpet weaving in Ganjabasar region". The scientist noted that Ganjabasar carpet-weaving traditions are studied mainly in Ganja, in Dashkesan, Gadabay, Goygol, Samukh, Shamkir, Goranboy regions based on pile and pile carpets and carpets woven in the middle of the 19th century.

According to Prof. V. Muradov, the village of Fakhrali in the Goranboy region was one of the most popular carpet - weaving centers in Ganjabasar region. In the village, carpet weaving was one of the most popular arts. During the expedition, information was collected on the history, ethnography, customs and traditions of the village, as well as carpets.

Professor V. Muradov said that the staff of the Institute will continue to work in other historical villages of Ganjabasar region and prepare a series of materials on the results of the expedition.

Note that, from from the time of establishing up to date the sector had conducted research on the art of painting, Nakhchivan carpet - weaving and Lankaran-Astara carpet - weaving. The results of the research are reflected in books published in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and Arabic.

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