Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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16.09.2014 00:00
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ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature held literary event dedicated to Vagif Samadoglu’s 75th jubilee

ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature held literary event dedicated to Vagif Samadoglu’s 75th jubilee

ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi held literary event dedicated to prominent Azerbaijan poet, social figure national poet with “Sharaf” order Vagif Samadoglu’s 75th jubilee.

Event brought together governmental officials, well-known science and art figures.

Opening the event director of the museum MP, acad. Rafael Huseynov dealt with Vagif Samadoglu’s rich life and creativity.

Since 1970, has been member of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, was awarded with titles of the Honored artist, People's Poet, “Honor” and “Independence” orders.

His first creative work “Seven poems” was published in Azerbaijan journal, 1963. V. Samadoglu’s works have been published in the periodical press from time to time. Thereafter V. Samadoglu has been editor-in-chief in “Oguz eli” newspaper, head of the Soviet Desk Encyclopedia, head of the literary department of the film-actor theater named J.Jabbarli at “Azerbaijan” cinema also MP of Milli Majlis in 2000-2005.

R. Huseynov congratulated. Samadoglu on the occasion of 75th jubilee and wished him successes.

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