Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


13.11.2019 10:42
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Employees of the Strategic Scientific Research Center awarded by the State Border Service

Employees of the Strategic Scientific Research Center awarded by the State Border Service
Employees of the Strategic Scientific Research Center awarded by the State Border Service
Employees of the Strategic Scientific Research Center awarded by the State Border Service
Employees of the Strategic Scientific Research Center awarded by the State Border Service

ANAS Presidium, Strategic Scientific Research Center has joint projects with several state bodies, in particular with the State Border Service and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to feedback of the state bodies, by result of a number of research projects carried out at the Strategic Scientific Research Center, that are of national importance in the field of defense and national security it was considered to apply and use the latest final produce (for military use) in the Azerbaijani army.

Accordingly, Employees of the Strategic Scientific Research Center was awarded for their merits in Integration of science and research into the military sphere.

According to the State Border Service head order, head of the Strategic Scientific Research Center, Doctor of Political Sciences Fatali Abdullayev, head of the scientific research laboratory No. 1 of the Strategic Scientific Research Center, Ph.D in Physics Samir Suleymanov and the chief specialist Namig Heydarov were awarded the jubilee medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan “100th anniversary of Azerbaijan's Border Protection (1919-2019)”.

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