Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.11.2019 11:32
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President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev: Iran and Azerbaijan scientists should carry out joint activities to identify historical realities

President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev: Iran and Azerbaijan scientists should carry out joint activities to identify historical realities

ANAS Presidium held a meeting with a delegation led by Chairman of the Organization of Islamic Culture and Relations of Iran, Abuzar Ibrahim Turkman. The delegation also included Javad Jahangirzade and Chairman of the Iran Culture Center Askar Farsi.

ANAS President, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev greeted the guests, spoke on the historical friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Iran, noted that these relations have recently gained wider scope. Academician added that, the expansion of cooperation between the two countries is the result of a consistent and far-sighted policy of AR President Ilham Aliyev.

Highly appreciating the participation of the delegation from Iran Islamic Republic in II World Religious Summit and its meeting with the country's leader, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that, this visit will give impetus to the organization of multilateral ties between the two countries in the field of science and culture.

Stressing that the history of Azerbaijan is still not well known to the scientific community of the world, the academician said that today, scientists of the country are in search of new sources in order to present our history as it is: “I think that, the archival documents of Iran also contain valuable materials about the history of Azerbaijan. The scientists of Iran and Azerbaijan should carry out joint activities, coordinate efforts to identify historical realities, a deeper study of Iranian-Azerbaijani history”.

ANAS leader noted that, AR President Ilham Aliyev attaches particular importance to the relations of friendship and cooperation with Iran, assured that scientists will make every effort to further develop these ties.

Chairman of the Organization of Islamic Culture and Relations of Iran, Dr. Abuzar Ibrahim Turkman spoke on the exceptional role of science in the development of society.

According to Abuzar Ibrahim Turkman, the historically formed relations of friendship and cooperation, common customs and traditions, religious values to establish the grounds for even closer rapprochement between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Iran. Further relations between two countries in field of science and culture will positively affect the development of both countries.

Then, Abuzar Ibrahim Turkman donated books to academician Ramiz Mehdiyev, publishing by the Iran Culture Center.

In conclusion, to Abuzar Ibrahim Turkman was donated books “Azerbaijan Mugham in Miniatures” and “Gazals” by Imadaddin Nasimi.

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