Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.11.2019 18:48
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Launched the 3rd International Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Sciences Symposium

Launched the 3rd International Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Sciences Symposium

On November 19, International Black Sea Journal of Public and Social Sciences Symposium was launched by the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi and Institute of Folklore.

The symposium is attended by about a hundred scientists and specialists from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia and other countries.

Speaking at the event, the vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, acad. Isa Habibbayli told about friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey and said that these relations are connected with ancient historical roots and both two countries are successfully cooperating in all fields.

"The philosophy of the Turkish-Azerbaijani union is perfectly expressed by the national leader Heydar Aliyev with the words "One nation, two states”, he highlighted and noted that, great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev attached great importance to the Azerbaijani-Turkish Union and this policy is being successfully continued.

"The symposium will discuss scientific relations between the two countries along with members of the editorial board of the Black Sea International Journal of Public and Social Sciences. Articles of Azerbaijani scientists are published in the journals of all institutions and academic institutions of Turkey. Azerbaijani scholars are operated in the editorial boards of these publications. Simultanously, members of editorial board of publications of various institutes of ANAS are scholars of the brotherly country”, I. Habibbeyli said.

The event was attended by director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Imanov, vice-rector of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Prof. Asaf Zamanov, Culture and Promotion Advisor of the Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan Irfan Chiftchi, professors Erdogan Altinkaynak, Roin Kavrelishvili reported at the international symposium and wished succeses to its work.

The symposium continued its work at section assemblies. A total of 96 lectures will be listened at the three-day international event.

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