Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.12.2019 18:10
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Azerbaijani scientist elected an active member of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies

Azerbaijani scientist elected an active member of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies

Professor Elshad Gurbanov, head of Botany Department of Baku State University (BSU), corresponding member of ANAS, was elected a member of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies. The scientist was also awarded the Academy's “International Gold Star Medal” for his contributions to world science and to the training of highly qualified staff.

In this regard, Elchin Isgandarzadeh, representative of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies in Azerbaijan, presented the diploma of the Academy, “International Gold Star Medal” and certificate of honor to E. Gurbanov at the event held at the Botany Department of BSU.

Elchin Isgandarzadeh spoke about the rich scientific activity of the outstanding scientist and his contribution to the development of biological science. He said that the achievements obtained by the school of botanical work by E.Gurbanov and his achievements were highly appreciated by the world scientific community. His manuals and educational aids have become a desk book of republic botanists, soil scientists and ecologists.

Finally, corresponding member of ANAS E.Gurbanov thanked the International Academy of Turkic World Studies for their awards.

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