Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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05.12.2019 16:08
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Division of Biological and Medical Sciences discussed a number of issues

Division of Biological and Medical Sciences discussed a number of issues

On December 5, a regular meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of ANAS was held.

The event was attended by ANAS vice-president, academician Irada Huseynova, academician-secretary of the Division, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, bureau members, as well as heads of scientific institutions included in the Division.

Opening the meeting, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov informed about the issues on the agenda.

First, diplomas of the division were awarded to the Director of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Physics, Associate Professor Elman Yusifov on the occasion of the 60th anniversary, leading researcher at the Institute of Botany, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Ogtay Mirzayev on the occasion of the 80th anniversary.

Later, discussions were held about the publication of a dictionary of physiological terms (in Russian, English, Azerbaijani), prepared by scientists of the Institute of Physiology named after Academician A. Karaev under the direction of the director of the institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ulduz Hashimova.

Next, an appropriate decision was made regarding the publication of the dictionary.

In addition, the issue of preparing scientific and scientific-organizational reports of the department, as well as the most important research results for 2019, was discussed, and relevant instructions were given.

In conclusion, a number of staff issues were considered.

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