Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


06.12.2019 09:46
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The first meeting of the Scientific Council on Computer Sciences

The first meeting of the Scientific Council on Computer Sciences

The first meeting of the Scientific Council on Computer Sciences was held at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS.

The chairman of the council, corresponding member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov opened the meeting and informed about the issues on the agenda.

The scientist first provided information on the documents that make up the regulatory framework for the functioning of the council. According to him, the activities of the council are regulated by decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Science”, relevant resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Coordinating Council for Scientific Research and Presidium of ANAS, as well as Regulation on Scientific Councils in Scientific Areas.

ANAS corresponding member A. Sadigov spoke about the main challenges facing the structure, as well as scientific research conducted in the field of computer sciences in our country and in the world.

Then the deputy chairman of the council, corresponding member of ANAS Aghasi Malikov and professor Ogtay Nusratov emphasized the importance of clarifying specialties in computer science and identifying priority areas of research in this area. To this end, they put forward a proposal to establish a Working Group.

Another issue was the approval of thesis topics of doctoral students and dissertators.

Summing up the meeting, Aminagha Sadigov said that corresponding document will be prepared on the basis of proposals put forward during the discussions, and approved at the next meeting of the council.

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