Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


09.12.2019 16:46
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Workshop dedicated to Novruz celebrations and beliefs

Workshop dedicated to Novruz celebrations and beliefs

On December 9, Institute of Folklore of ANAS held a scientific workshop on "The Prospects for Study of the Semantic Facts of Creation in Novruz Holiday on the Psychoanalytic Context” by PhD in Philology, Assoc. Prof. Safa Garayev.

Chief department of the institute, Prof. Seyfaddin Rzasoy spoke about prospects of studying mific facts on the psychoanalytic context, new possibilities brought by psychoanalytic approach to the folklore study, the role of Z. Freyd and K.G. Yung’s theoretic approaches in cognition of folklore facts.

Then Safa Garayev's lecture was listened. Summarizing the history of the development of psychoanalytic study of folklore, S. Garayev said that this method has exceptional opportunities for studying the ceremonies and beliefs related to Novruz. According to him, any psychoanalytical study of any product of human creativity, including folklore facts, will help better understanding the cause-and-effect relationship between "the creative subject and the artifact created".

The rapporteur touched on beliefs about the habit of throwing hats, sackcloth and bagging during the Novruz holiday, and the "distribution of night food".

Later on, lecture was widely discussed by folklorists and participants' questions responded.

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