Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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17.12.2019 11:48
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Celebrated 110th anniversary of corresponding member of ANAS Kazim Alakbarov

Celebrated 110th anniversary of corresponding member of ANAS Kazim Alakbarov

On December 17, an event was held at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding soil scientist and corresponding member of ANAS Kazim Alakbarov.

The event was organized in the main building of the Academy by the vice-presidents of ANAS, academicians Ibrahim Guliyev, Dilgam Taghiyev and Irada Huseynova, members of the bureau of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences and Division of Earth Sciences of ANAS, directors of institutes and organizations, as well as representatives of republican educational and scientific institutions.

Opening the event, academic secretary of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov spoke about the merits of an outstanding scientist in the development of various fields of geography and soil science in our country. According to him, Kazim Alakbarov played an invaluable role in studying the soil cover of Azerbaijan. In order to study the erosion processes in the Greater Caucasus, Lesser Caucasus and in the Lenkaran-Astara zone, they were righteous for thousands of soil sections throughout the mountainous terrain in the region. As a result, it has been scientifically proven that erosion processes are closely related to environmental elements.

A. Amiraslanov noted that the erosion map of the country was first developed as a result of the tireless work of Kazim Alakbarov. These valuable cartographic materials have played an important role in preparing the next generation of soil scientists and in developing the science of erosion. For many years, K. Alakbarov was a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, and the head of the Erosion Research Department.

Further, head laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, academician Maharram Babayev made a detailed report on the life and scientific activity of K. Alakbarov. The speaker brought to the attention that the scientific activity of K. Alakbarov is mainly devoted to the study of Absheron soil cover and wind erosion in this region, the study of factors and conditions of soil erosion, the development of a comprehensive system against soil erosion in Azerbaijan. The scientist defended his thesis in 1943, and in 1958 his doctoral thesis at the Moscow Institute of Soil Science named after V.V. Dokuchayev, in 1960 received the academic title of professor. Alakbarov was the first doctor of sciences in soil science in Azerbaijan. In 1968, the scientist was elected a corresponding member of the AAS.

It was noted that K. Alakbarov was the author of more than 100 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 5 brochures and numerous articles, various maps of soil erosion and 2 maps of erosion factors. He was awarded the Order “For Labor of Veterans in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”, Orders of “Veteran of Labor”, orders of “Sharaf Nishan”, “Red Labor Banner”, Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic.

At the event, director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, corresponding member of ANAS Alovsat Guliyev, head laboratory of soil structure of the same institution, PhD in agrarian sciences Vilayat Hasanov and head department of the Institute of Geography, Doctor of Agrarian sciences Ismayil Guliyev shared their memories of the outstanding scientist.

In conclusion, son of the late scientist, academician Urkhan Alakbarov shared his memories of his father. On behalf of his family, he expressed gratitude to the leadership of ANAS, as well as to the participants of the event.

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