Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.12.2019 09:26
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Celebration of 100th anniversary of prominent Arabist-scientist Alasgar Mammadov

Celebration of 100th anniversary of prominent Arabist-scientist Alasgar Mammadov

Baku State University (BSU) has hosted a republican scientific conference on “Actual problems of Oriental Studies” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founder of Arabic Studies in Azerbaijan, Honored Scientist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Alasgar Mammadov.

Opening the event, rector of BSU, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Elchin Babayev spoke about the meaningful life and scientific activities of the Arabist-scientist and stated that, A. Mammadov linked his fate with this higher education institution from 1947 until the end of his life. His students proved the solid foundation of their school by achievements in science, education, diplomacy, and translation.

The conference was also attended by Nargiz Akhundova, academician-secretary of ANAS Division of Social Sciences, academician, Naila Valikhanli, director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History, academician, Imamverdi Hamidov, chief department of the Institute of Literature, Professor, Elkhan Azizov, dean of Faculty of Oriental Studies, BSU and others shared their memories about scientist.

In conclusion, daughter of the scientist Sharafat Mammadova expressed her gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event on behalf of her family.

During the conference, a film about the life and creativity of Professor A. Mammadov was shown.

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