Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.12.2019 10:56
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Opening of the High Performance Computing Research Center

Opening of the High Performance Computing Research Center

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (ADNSU) opened the Research Center for High Performance Computing (HPC).

The event was attended by the vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev, Chairman of the State Customs Committee Safar Mehdiyev, Deputy Minister of Education Idris Isayev, Chairman of “Azercosmos” OJSC Rashad Nabiyev, Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Vusal Gasimli, Deputy Chairman of the State Statistical Committee Yusif Yusifov, Director of the Agrarian Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture Firdovsi Fikratzadeh, other governmential members, rectors of leading universities and university professors.

In advance, rector of ASUOI Professor Mustafa Babanli, informed the participants about the HPC Center. The rector said HPC Centre, a state-of-the-art science-oriented field for high-speed computations, has a wide range of applications in computer science, including quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, molecular modeling, and physical modeling. He also said that the main purpose of establishing a center was to solve scientific and technological issues related to HPC in the country and to provide staff training.

Then Nigar Ismayilova, executive director of HPC Center for Scientific and Organizational Affairs, informed about its activities. HPC Center is a multifunctional cluster computer system consisting of 20 computations and 1 master computing knot with a maximum capacity of 6 Pflops. Depending on the complexity of the problem, it is possible to increase the computing power of the center by reducing and increasing the number of computers used, and simultaneously transforming computers into different types of computers and becoming a grid computing system that allows additional computers to be connected, she said.

Speaking at the event, academician Rasim Alguliyev recalled Orders of the President of the country “On the rules for formation, maintenance, integration and archiving of state data resources and systems” dated September 12, 2018 and “The creation of (G-cloud)" and "cloud services" dated June 3, 2019.

"As a result of President Ilham Aliyev's policy, a powerful information technology infrastructure has been formed in our country," said academician Rasim Alguliyev and paid to the attention issues of ICT projects, including digitalization of European industries and services, addressing cyber security issues, smart transport, electronic infrastructure and projects such as the “European Open Science Cloud”.

Deputy Minister of Education Idris Isayev and Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Vusal Gasimli also emphasized that HPC Center will contribute to the development of innovation processes in the country.

Finally, certificates were given to university students working at the center, as well as to several employees of the center.

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