Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.01.2020 15:27
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Approved the research plans of Nakhchivan Division’s employees for 2020

Approved the research plans of Nakhchivan Division’s employees for 2020

The current meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held at Nakhchivan Division of ANAS.

The event was opened by the chairman of the Division, academician Ismayil Hajiyev, who introduced the participants to the agenda.

For the first time, attestation of the the doctoral students and dissertators of the Division was carried out. Leyla Safarova, a chief specialist of the Division of Education and Human Resources, provided information on doctoral stundet and dissertator staff of the Division.

Then the reports of 55 doctoral students and dissertators were listened. They informed the members of the Presidium on the topics and results of the research.

Academician Ismayil Hajiyev expressed his views on the researches doctoral students and dissertators and wished them success in their scientific activity.

The work plan of the Scientific Councils of the Scientific Research Institutes of the Division for 2020 was approved.

During the meeting, research plans of Division employees for 2020 were approved. Head of the Scientific-Organizational Department, PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Associate Professor Orkhan Bagirov said that this year it is planned to complete 38 works, covering 6 problems in 6 scientific directions.

Ismayil Hajiyev made recommendations to the staff to carry out research in the priority scientific areas, pay attention to the relevance and scientific importance of the topics, as well as increase the scientific efficiency of the research.

Finally, a number of current issues were scheduled.

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