Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

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Corresponding member of ANAS Tehran Mustafayev is 60 years old
15.01.2020 09:50
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Corresponding member of ANAS Tehran Mustafayev is 60 years old

On January 16, Tehran Mustafayev, a well-known literary scientist, publicist, critic, educator, head of the Azerbaijan Literature of Independence Period Department at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, turns 60 years old.

Mustafayev Tehran Alishan oglu was born on January 16, 1960 in Baku. In 1978-1983 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University). He worked as a secondary school teacher in 1983-1989, received postgraduate education at the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi in 1985-1989, and was a researcher at the same institution in 1989-2006. In 1994-1996 he worked as a lecturer at the Institute of Futurology and then at the Faculty of Philology of Baku Slavic University. At the same time, he was deputy editor of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union "Literature Newspaper" in 1996-2004. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of the journal “” (2006).

In 1990, he defended his PhD thesis on the theme "Azerbaijan Soviet literary criticism styles (1960-1980)" and in 2005 his doctoral thesis on "Poetry of XX century Azerbaijan prose". Professor T. Mustafayev was elected corresponding member of ANAS in 2017 on the specialty "Literary criticism" in 2017.

Research objects of the scientist were systematical investigation of typology and poetics of XX century prose, for the first time analysis of the national prose - the formation, development trends and styles trends in the context of world literature, investigation of formation, integration development of Azerbaijani literature of Independence period, its integration to modern world, fuctional analysis and scientific evaluation of modern literary process.

Since 1981, the scientist has been regularly publishing literary and critical articles in the press. Author of 14 books and more than 200 articles, T. Mustafayev is involved in the development of textbooks, manuals and programs for universities. Under his scientific supervision, a doctor of philosophy was prepared.

We congratulate the well-known literary scientist on his 60th anniversary, we wish him robust health and success in his scientific career.

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