Institute of Geography of ANAS has signed another project arising from the reality of the day and important for our republic.
Yashar Nasibov, a senior researcher of the Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography and Elnur Safarov, a researcher of the Caspian Level Problem Department under the leadership of the director of the Institute academician Ramiz Mammadov, as well as Fatih Ocak, an employee of Samsun University in Turkey, collaborating under this project, have developed "COVID-19: Azerbaijan's real-time monitoring system", aiming to conduct real-time monitoring of the coronavirus pandemic in our country and around the world.
The application reflects information about the pandemic in the world, including in Azerbaijan, and these figures are updated at least once a day.
According to Yashar Nasibov, the project manager, data on the countries referred to in the application were taken from Johns Hopkins University CCSE, where ESRI's Geographic Information Systems technology was used.
Figures on the pandemic in Azerbaijan are given with reference to the data of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as the website The data about population by cities and regions, hospitals, number of people over 65, etc. are referred to the State Statistics Committee. The copyright of vector data on Azerbaijan belongs to the Institute of Geography. As it is a social project, its commercial use is prohibited.
Everyone who uses the application will be able to get information about the number of infected, cured, dead, active COVID-19 patients in the world and in our country, as well as the number of tests performed during the day. You can also learn the number of countries fighting the virus here.
The statistics used were prepared by the staff of the Institute of Geography - researcher Turana Huseynova and chief laboratory assistant Aygul Zulfugarova.
For more information on "COVID-19: Azerbaijan's real-time monitoring system", click at here.
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