Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.05.2020 11:41
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Central Botanical Garden conducts comprehensive forest monitoring

Central Botanical Garden conducts comprehensive forest monitoring

Within the framework of a special quarantine regime, ANAS Central Botanical Garden employees carry out comprehensive forest monitoring using aerospace sounding systems and geographic information systems. Thus, due to the wide capabilities of aerospace sensing technologies, it is possible to assess the state of forests, development dynamics, chlorophyll content, etc.

Thus, the dynamics of the development of forest and shrubbery in the Samur-Yalama National Park, which is the research area, was studied, and areas affected by anthropogenic impact were identified. According to the results of the study, the degree of influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the processes occurring in the forest ecosystem is estimated.

The resulting scientific innovations will play an important role in predicting future processes and in developing new strategies for the sustainable management and protection of biodiversity in general.

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