Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.11.2014 00:00
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ANAS president acquainted with reconstruction works at Experimental- Industrial Plant

ANAS president acquainted with reconstruction works at Experimental- Industrial Plant

Reconstruction works have been held at Experimental - Industrial Plant. ANAS president acad. Akif Alizadeh got closely familiar with done fulfillments. Renovation and construction work in the administrative buildings and shops of the plant have been begun since June of this year, he stated.

The head of ANAS was informed about the dining hall of the plant. Dining room which can be used by hundreds of people and provided with the necessary equipment is capable with all the conditions for a healthy nutrition of the factory workers.

Then acad. A. Alizadeh was introduced the process of production and packaging of academy brands: “solid oil”, “nigrol” lubricants and other products.

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