Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.05.2020 10:25
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A number of employees of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics received food assistance

A number of employees of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics received food assistance

An event on the occasion of the Ramadan holiday was held at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS.

Opening the event the chairman of the Institute’s Trade Union Committee, associate professor Irada Mirzazadeh congratulated the participants on the upcoming holy day of Ramadan. She noted that in the republic at the state level much attention is paid to strengthening national moral values, and emphasized that thanks to the goal-oriented policy of the country's leadership, Azerbaijan is an example for the whole world from the point of view of the national and religious tolerance prevailing in the republic.

The chairman of the committee also said that all necessary measures had been taken in the country to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in the country, which is raging all over the world, and to protect public health, and added that as a result of these measures, there is currently no pandemic in Azerbaijan.

She noted that, given the introduction of a quarantine regime to prevent the spread of the virus, low-income families and employees working in the relevant government agencies are regularly provided with assistance.

Then, on behalf of the Institute’s Trade Union Committee, low-income employees of the scientific institution in need of special care and support were provided with food assistance on the occasion of the Ramadan holiday.

In conclusion, the chairperson of the Committee encouraged everyone to comply with the recommendations made in relation to the coronavirus.

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