Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.06.2020 16:41
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Institute of Information Technology held an online scientific seminar

Institute of Information Technology held an online scientific seminar

The next scientific seminar of the Department No.17 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held online.

Opening the event organized through the Zoom program, ANAS vice-president, director of the institute, head of this Department, academician Rasim Alguliyev said that the seminar was devoted to a discussion of the Master's thesis on "Evaluation of electronic services based on citizen satisfaction."

Then the graduate student of the institute Aysan Farajova presented her research work. She emphasized the relevance of the problem, saying that the provision and mutual exchange of e-government services offer more useful and beneficial opportunities. She noted that the main goal of the work is to analyze the services provided by electronic government portals, through the satisfaction of citizens, and their assessment based on multidimensional decision-making methods.

A. Farajova also spoke about the world experience in the field of e-government services, and also informed about the Electronic Visa System, the Unified Access System, the Electronic Payment System, the National Information System, etc., operating in our country.

Giving his recommendations on the leport, academician R. Alguliyev noted that the topic is very relevant in our time. The scientist emphasized the importance of an in-depth study of the views of scientists and parameters in the field of citizen satisfaction, as well as studies on the use of e-government services during the coronavirus pandemic.

The event also discussed the scientific activities of employees, doctoral students and dissertators of Department No. 17.

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