An online jubilee meeting dedicated to the 110th anniversary of prominent scientist and public figure, academician Abdulla Garayev was organized by the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) of ANAS and the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garayev.
The online event was attended by members of DBMS, scientific research institutes of ANAS, Baku State University, Azerbaijan Medical University, as well as representatives of other relevant scientific and educational institutions, scientists and specialists.
Opening the meeting, vice-president of ANAS academician Irada Huseynova spoke about the invaluable services of the prominent scientist in the development of physiological science in Azerbaijan and in the field of training highly qualified personnel in this direction. He noted that Abdulla Garayev, who received a PhD in biology and medicine at a young age, a doctorate in medicine, and was elected an active member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR at the age of 39, deserves high praise as a scientific organizer, public and state figure.
The vice-president said that in different years he worked as a professor at the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute, head of the department, vice-rector and rector of the Azerbaijan State University, academician-secretary of the Division of Biological and Agricultural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, Republican Higher and Secondary Education, served as chairman, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR of two convocations, as well as held other high positions.
According to academician I. Huseynova, the first independent academic institution in the country to conduct fundamental research in the field of human and animal physiology was the Department of Physiology established at the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR on the initiative of A. Garayev.
Noting the similarities between academician A.Garayev and academician Jalal Aliyev, the vice- president said that the lives and works of these famous scientists, the geniuses of Azerbaijan, are the wealth of the people, and
stressed the importance of deeper study of their heritage and the scientific schools they created.
Then the director of the Institute of Physiology of ANAS professor Ulduz Hashimova spoke about the scientific activity of the prominent scientist A.Garayev. She said that the research conducted by academician A.Garayev in the field of human and animal physiology is still relevant today.
According to the director of the institute, academician A.Garayev was the author of more than 300 scientific works, including 7 monographs. Under his scientific advice and guidance, more than 20 doctors and candidates of sciences have been trained. The scientist was the author of the first textbooks on physiology in the Azerbaijani language for universities.
Then academician Mammad Salmanov, corresponding members of ANAS Rafig Gasimov and Arif Mammadov, doctors of biological sciences, professors Adalat Farajov and Fakhraddin Asgarov spoke and shared their memories about the prominent scientist.
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