Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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03.07.2020 15:33
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Azerbaijani scientists attended in an international online conference

Azerbaijani scientists attended in an international online conference
Azerbaijani scientists attended in an international online conference
Azerbaijani scientists attended in an international online conference
Azerbaijani scientists attended in an international online conference
Azerbaijani scientists attended in an international online conference

The Online World Flora (WFO) consortium is the global initiator to promote the implementation of the first goal of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity's Global Plant Protection Strategy (GSPC) for 2011-2020. The consortium was co-founded by the Missouri and New York Botanical Gardens in the United States, as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew and Edinburgh in the United Kingdom.

Leading botanical organizations from about 40 countries, including the United States, Europe and China, have joined the international consortium, which aims to create a database of more than 400,000 plants and mosses. Among the post-Soviet countries, the Institute of Botany named after Komarov of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Botany of ANAS are represented as equal members.

On July 1, the council of the consortium member organizations held an online meeting on the Zoom platform.

The event was attended by 43 scientists from 42 member organizations, including the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, China, Ireland, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Turkey, Brazil and other countries. Director of the Institute of Botany of ANAS, academician Valida Alizade and head Department of Systematics and Biodiversity of the institute, PhD in Biology Rashad Salimov also took part in the meeting of the council.

The co-chairs of the WFO consortium, the president of the Missouri Botanical Garden, prof. Peter Wyse Jackson and Pierre-Andre Loizeau, director of the Geneva Botanical Garden and professor at the University of Lausanne, opened the meeting and briefed on the current situation. They said that two new members were admitted to the consortium.

The meeting discussed issues such as the implementation of the work planned for 2019-2020, the processing and digitization of taxonomic data on plant groups, the definition of priorities for the near future.

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