Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Professor Elton Mammadov elected an active member of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies
08.07.2020 21:11
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Professor Elton Mammadov elected an active member of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies

Elton Mammadov, Head of the ANAS Department of Affairs, Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor, was elected an active member of the International Academy of Turkic World Studies was awarded the International Golden Star medal.

The representative of the International Academy of Sciences of the Turkic World Studies in Azerbaijan, Professor Elchin Iskendarzadeh handed the scientist a diploma of a member of the Academy and a medal and congratulated Professor Elton Mammadov on this scientific achievement.

It was noted that Professor Elton Mammadov was elected an active member of the International Academy of Sciences of the Turkic World Studies and was awarded a medal for his services to the development of domestic science and education. Earlier this rank and medal was awarded to a number of prominent ANAS scientists.

Stressing that this award is a high mark given to the scientific activities of Azerbaijani scientists, Professor Elton Mammadov expressed his gratitude to the International Academy of Sciences of the Turkic World Studies.

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