Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.11.2014 00:00
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International scientific conference devoted to the World Day of Philosophy

International scientific conference devoted to the World Day of Philosophy

At ANAS Institute of Philosophy and Law was held the international scientific conference “Moral Functions of Philosophy in the Modern World” devoted to World Day of Philosophy founded by UNESCO. Scientists and researchers who made a speech at conference from Azerbaijan, Egypt, Morocco, France and other countries spoke about philosophy and morals, moral and human nature, the philosophical principles as reference points of the future, tolerance in a philosophical context of multiculturalism and dialogue. Conference was opened by the director of the Institute of Philosophy and Law, Doctor of Philosophy Ilham Mammadzade. After welcoming the participants, he congratulated the participants on the holiday of philosophers, noted that the third week of November is devoted to World Day of Philosophy and the institute annually celebrates this holiday. At the conference, presentations were made by the head of the Center of Culture of Egypt, cultural attaché Dr. Ahmed Sami Eladio on the topic “Philosophical Investigations in Egypt at the present stage,” senior fellow of the Institute, Doctor of Philosophy,Honored Scientist Zumrud Guluzadeh on “Challenges of modern Azerbaijani philosophy in the context of the theme of the conference”, Ambassador of Kingdom of Morocco to Azerbaijan Hassan Hami on " The Labyrinth of morality and human nature”, Counselor of Embassy of France for Culture Yves Zoberman on " Youth and philosophy in France " and others. Speakers noted the merits of the First Lady of Azerbaijan, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO Mehriban Aliyeva in the promotion of Azerbaijan culture and science, anniversaries of eminent personalities. Further conference proceeded in discussions. Scientists noted that Azerbaijan - the most tolerant country in the world, and sense of celebration of the International Philosophy Day consists in finding the general platform of discussion of the global sociocultural transformations happening now, to acquaint people with philosophical heritage, to stimulate public debate of thinkers, to involve youth in such actions, to highly appreciate activity of the leading philosophers.

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