During next meeting of Presidium of ANAS head of department of fundamental problems of biological productivity of Institute of Botany of ANAS, academician Jalal Aliyev made a report and head of laboratory of bio adaptation, academician Irada Huseynova on “Photosynthesis, photo respiration and productivity of plants in the new concept”. I. Huseynova reported that under the influence of light along with photosynthesis process (absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen), there is also opposite to it a photo breath process - absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen. But, in spite of the fact that since opening of process of photo breath passed about 60 years, data on its role in the course of photosynthesis and efficiency of plants in general always remain inconsistent. Many researchers of photo breath, estimating its importance insufficiently, considered this process as squandering. Various groups of researchers looked for ways of inhibition or decrease in process of photo breath by means of biochemical means or a genetic way for the purpose of increase of efficiency of plants. However search of views with the low level of photo breath and high efficiency wasn't crowned with success. The results received during the long-term, purposeful and comprehensive tests which are carried out with use of various genotypes which are grown up in field conditions allowed to solve this inconsistent problem. For achievement of a goal the richest gene pool of wheat covering some thousands of genotypes were created. During ontogenesis of numerous contrast genotypes of wheat by means of the modern equipment the carbon metabolism and activities of enzyme 1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase were revealed intensity of gas exchange. The received results show that intensity of photosynthesis and photo breath changes in parallel. In the discussion of the report was attended by academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, corresponding member of ANAS Novruz Guliyev, General Director of Agrarian Scientific Center of AR Ministry of Agriculture Asad Musayev and others.
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