Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


12.12.2014 00:00
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National leader identified the modern face of Azerbaijan

National leader identified the modern face of Azerbaijan

ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after N. Ganjavi held scientific-practical conference dedicated to national leader prominent state figure Heydar Aliyev’s 11th anniversary of death.

In advance, Heydar Aliyev’s dear memory remembered for a minute of silence.

Opening the meeting director of the museum acad. Rafael Huseynov spoke about his rich political performance, exceptional merits for Azerbaijan people.

Having great services in protection of national-moral values, and in development of culture the politician always focused on science and education. It is no coincidence that the years he headed for Azerbaijan is characterized as a renaissance era in the field of science and education. After his return to power “Academy has gained governmental status – National Academy of Sciences”, R. Huseynov noted.

Reporting in the event National poet Tahir Sohrab, Doctors of philology Khatira Bashirli and Shafag Alibeyli, PhD in art National actor Tofig Ismayilov and others dealt with Heydar Aliyev’s historical merits, management skills and rich humanistic features.

Finally, exhibition reflecting life and activity of national leader was demonstrated and song composed of R. Huseynov’s lyrics sounded.

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