Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


19.11.2020 16:40
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They left Zangilan as children, and now they will return as specialists

They left Zangilan as children, and now they will return as specialists

Scientific Secretary of the Service of the Vice-President of ANAS, Leading Researcher of the Folklore Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor Hikmet Guliyev and Head of the Public Relations Department of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor Tarana Shukurlu were guests of the “Sabahın xeyir, Azərbaycan!”("Good morning,Azerbaijan!")program on İctimai TV.

The program talks in detail about the historical and religious monuments, nature, geography, folklore, beliefs and culture of the historical land of Azerbaijan, Zangilan, liberated from Armenian occupation.

Giving detailed information about the peculiarities of the Zangilan folklore environment, Hikmet Guliyev noted that mythological legends, myths and beliefs, stories around the names of places and hearths have an important place for this environment.

The program also spoke about the possibilities of monitoring and researching our lands liberated from occupation with the help of high technologies, Azersky-1 and Azersky-2 satellites, as well as the Zangilan region from space on various parameters.

The program also provided information about the book "Qarabağ folkloru: janr poetikası və mərasim ənənələri"("Karabakh folklore: genre poetics and ceremonial traditions")recently published at the Folklore Institute, as well as examples of the Karabakh folklore environment collected by scientists of the institute.

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