Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Information of the Press and Information Department of ANAS
23.11.2020 18:19
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Information of the Press and Information Department of ANAS

As previously reported to the public, the agenda of the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS on November 20, 2020, along with current issues, included 3 articles published by the director of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS Sevil Zulfugarova -“İlham Əliyev və Mehriban xanım Əliyeva dünya üçün nümunədir”("Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva is an example for the world ”)(October 28, 2020),“Milli dövlətçiliyimizin fəlsəfəsini yaradan düha – Heydər Əliyev”(“The genius who created the philosophy of our national statehood - Heydar Aliyev”)(October 30, 2020),“Prezidentin nitqi, davranışı özünəinamın, haqqın, ədalətin təntənəsidir”(“The President's speech and behavior are a celebration of self-confidence, truth and justice”)(November 2, 2020) The fact that her articles were plagiarized was discussed. Academician-secretary of the Academy of Sciences, corresponding member Aminaga Sadigov acquainted the meeting participants with the results of the research on the articles of Sevil Zulfugarova conducted on the instructions of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev.

According to the investigation, the article “İlham Əliyev və Mehriban xanım Əliyeva birliyi dünya üçün nümunədir”("The union of Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva is an example for the world") was published by Anar Alakbarov, former executive director of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and now Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on August 28, 2014 at AzerTag News Agency and Interfax. The title of the article “Mehriban Əliyeva – xeyirxahlıq və ümid mücəssəməsi”("Mehriban Aliyeva - the embodiment of kindness and hope") is a modified and slightly abbreviated copy.

Another plagiarized article signed by Sevil Zulfugarova entitled “Milli dövlətçiliyimizin fəlsəfəsini yaradan düha – Heydər Əliyev”("The genius who created the philosophy of our national statehood - Heydar Aliyev") was published on the website of the Central Scientific Library and other sites.

Sevil Zulfugarova copied and combined the different parts of both articles as they are and made this article her own.

Another plagiarized article was copied from an article by Rufik Ismayilov, an employee of the "Kaspi" newspaper,entitled “Özünəinamın təntənəsi”("Ceremony of self-confidence") published on the newspaper's website on October 16, 2020.

After this information was revealed and exposed, the articles were immediately removed from the website of the Central Scientific Library on the instructions of Sevil Zulfugarov. Instead of confessing his guilt and apologizing to the public and the leadership of ANAS, Sevil Zulfugarov made various excuses in her letter to the leadership of ANAS on November 17, 2020.

Following the announcement of the results of the investigation, the members of the Presidium of ANAS unanimously condemned and condemned Sevil Zulfugarova's copying and publishing in the mass media articles of well-known officials and journalists about the heads of state of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

We assure the public that the fight against all forms and manifestations of intellectual theft will continue in the most uncompromising way. Cleaning the ranks of ANAS from such persons is of fundamental importance for the development of our science.

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