Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.12.2014 00:00
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ANAS associate won 2nd place in “Modern fairy tale” competition

ANAS associate won 2nd place in “Modern fairy tale” competition

With the purpose to contribute and promote modern children’s literature, “Modern fairy tale” competition was held in Azerbaijan for the first time.

Stories submitted to the competition have been appreciated by national writer Chingiz Abdullayev, writer and poet Gasham Najafzadeh, prof. Zahid Khalil, poet and translator Ilyas Tapdig, celebrate witer of children’s literature Gulzar Ibrahimova. According to the results of ANAS Central Administration of the Presidium Scientific - Organizing Office Vugar Hagverdiev was deserved to 2nd place in the competition.

Note that the winners were awarded prizes by Nar Mobile and the fairy tales of the first three places will be published in the form of illustrated books of fairy tales for children.

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