Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.01.2021 10:54
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The geographer clarified the change in the level of the Caspian Sea

The geographer clarified the change in the level of the Caspian Sea

According to Western media, scientists have concluded that the level of the Caspian Sea will fall by 9-18 meters by the end of the century.

Head of the Department of Geomorphology of the Caspian Sea Coasts and Bottom of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A.Aliyev of ANAS, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Amir Aliyev commented on the issue.

According to Professor Amir Aliyev, decades of level changes in the Caspian Sea are related to climate change, and hundreds of thousands of years of level changes are associated with tectonic processes in the Caspian Basin. The current descent process is based on the climatic factor, which is determined by the water balance of the sea. Changes in the elements that make up the water balance are a key factor in determining changes in the level of the Caspian Sea.

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