Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.02.2021 11:25
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A meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes was held

A meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes was held

The first online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after academician Y.H.Mammadaliyev of ANAS was held in 2021.

The meeting was attended by members of the council and heads of departments of the institute.

The event was opened by the director of the enterprise, chairman of the council, academician Vagif Abbasov, who informed about the current issues.

Then, academician V.Abbasov informed the participants about the work to be done in the departments this year, scientific research and projects to be implemented within the discussion of the action plan of the institution headed by him.

At the end, a number of current issues were discussed.

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