Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.02.2021 11:24
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The Central Scientific Library will cooperate with the Institute of Physiology

The Central Scientific Library will cooperate with the Institute of Physiology

Deputy Director for General Affairs of the Institute of Physiology named after Academician Abdulla Garayev of ANAS Konul Ibrahimova, doctoral student Ilaha Rzayeva and library director of the institution Gulnara Tanriverdiyeva visited the Central Scientific Library (CSL) of the academy.

During the meeting with the director of the CSL, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Mammad Aliyev, discussions were held on the establishment of a library fund at the Institute of Physiology that meets modern requirements. It was decided that the new fund will be formed in a centralized manner on the basis of thematic, specialized, methodological and other databases.

In the end, the publications of the Institute of Physiology were donated to the Central Scientific Library.

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