Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The materials of Huseyn Javid House Museum are of interest to researchers
12.02.2021 11:58
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The materials of Huseyn Javid House Museum are of interest to researchers

After some easing of the quarantine regime applied in our country in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the House Museum of Huseyn Javid of ANAS, which has an important place in the scientific and cultural life of our country since January 25, has resumed its activities.

Starting in February, the museum welcomes visitors in small groups. Intellectuals, educators and students dominated the last ten days of visiting the house museum of the great poet and playwright. There are enough researchers among them.

On February 11, 2021, Valentina Reznikova, Deputy Director for Literary and Dramatic Affairs of the Azerbaijan State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after S. Vurgun, and Gulshan Kangarlinskaya, a researcher at the Institute of History named after A. Bakikhanov of ANAS, a teacher at Khazar University, visited Huseyn Javid House. Researchers were interested in the life and work of Huseyn Javid, the theatrical activity of the writer's daughter Turan Javid and the works of art displayed in the museum's exposition. The scholars shared their plans to study the materials displayed in the museum from the point of view of art criticism and to study Turan Javid's theatrical activity.

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