Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.03.2021 12:22
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The Institute of Oil and Gas conducts research that contributes to the study of the mechanism of formation of oil and gas fields

The Institute of Oil and Gas conducts research that contributes to the study of the mechanism of formation of oil and gas fields

An online meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Oil and Gas of ANAS was held.

The event was attended by the vice-president of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev, director of the institute, academician Fakhraddin Kadirov, members of the Scientific Council, department heads of the enterprise and other relevant employees.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the council, academician F. Kadirov, who informed about the scientific and organizational issues on the agenda.

Then the report of the head of the department of oil and gas geophysics, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences Namaz Yusubov was heard.

Then the report was discussed. It was noted that N.Yusubov's report could contribute to the study of the mechanism of formation of oil and gas fields, which is one of the most pressing issues in oil and gas geology. It was also decided to continue research on the topic, taking into account the preliminary nature of the results...

At the end, a number of current issues were discussed.

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