Presidium of ANAS held assembly. Vice-president of ANAS, academician-secretary of Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, acad. Akif Hajiyev reported on scientific-organizing for 2014. Noted that on scientific directions departments were conducted 326 research works in 28 subjects on the 29 issues and were completed the 188 scientific works. Academician Akif Hajiyev also gave information on the events held in connection with the relevant paragraphs of state programs approved by the Decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic. There were the 23 monographs, 16 books and 18 textbooks published by employees of DPMTS, were protected the 44 dissertations and the 32 scientific papers have been prepared for defense. In 2014 were published the 1139 articles in prestigious international scientific journals by the 587 scientists of the Department. Academician also spoke about the international conferences held by organization of department staff, about the publication of scientific journals and on achievements obtained by development of international cooperation. Then speaker also told about shortcomings and problems of activity of DPMTS institutions. In summary, according to the Decree of presidium of ANAS the annual report of the scientific and organizational activity of DPMTS was submitted. During assembly it was also entrusted to Department the organization of the new fundamental research works giving an impetus to development of innovative researches. Control over the implementation of the Decree was imposed on ANAS vice-president, academician A.Hajiyev.
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