Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.02.2015 00:00
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Last farewell with notable scientist Akif Hajiyev

Last farewell with notable scientist Akif Hajiyev

February 4, main building of ANAS held farewell ceremony with notable Azerbaijani mathematician with “Shohrat” order, vice-president of ANAS, academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences acad. Akif Hajiyev.

Event was attended by governmental officials, MPs of Milli Majlis, scientific dignity, and public figures.

Wreaths on behalf of governmental organizations and different staffs were threaded in front of the funeral.

President of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh, minister of AR Communication and High Technologies acad. Ali Abbasov, academicians Abel Maharramov, Telman Aliyev, corresponding member of ANAS Yusif Mammadov, prof. Misir Mardanov made speech on scientist’s merits in development of mathematics, rich creativity and gave deepest condolences to the family of the deceased. Agil Hajiyev, scientist’s brother spoke on behalf of deceased’s family and expressed his gratitude for deep respect.

The deceased was buried in the Alley of Honor.

Akif Hajiyev will always live in hearts of people who knew him.

Allah rehmet elesin!

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