Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


17.02.2015 00:00
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ANAS Central Scientific Library (CSL) within cooperation of Azerbaijan Arabists Network held presentation of the practice program

ANAS Central Scientific Library (CSL) within cooperation of Azerbaijan Arabists Network held presentation of the practice program

ANAS Central Scientific Library (CSL) within cooperation of Azerbaijan Arabists Network held presentation of the practice program.

The event was attended by representatives of the embassies of Kuwait, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Azerbaijan, director of Center for Iranian culture and other officials.

The event was opened by ANAS Vice-president, academician Isa Habibbayli who talked about the reforms carried out in a academy recently.

It was noted that, as a result of successful activity of academy has been implemented a number of measures, one of which is opening the new building of CSL and the organization of activities according to modern standards.

Spoke about the importance of the program, academician I.Habibbeyli noted that by joining this initiative, students develop their scientific knowledge.

Then, dean of the faculty of Theology (BSU), head department of Arabic philology, academician Vasim Mammadaliyev estimated the problems related to the implementation of the program as a valuable initiative in public life.

Director of CSL, PhD in Medicine Leila Imanova told about measures to improve the structure of the library management and improve the efficiency of the library.

Also was noted that, working on transportation of books from main building of ANAS Central Scientific Library is one of the projects of CSL. L.Imanova noted that, in the future it is planed the organization of stands, reflecting Eastern countries literature, as well as the creation of a sustainable tradition of information exchange with these countries.

During the event, head of Foundation of Eastern Literature Aida Huseynova gave detailed information about the fund. She noted that, Archive Foundation stores rare scientific works, journals, copies of periodicals, as well as the works of scholars on ancient and modern history of the eastern countries, source, linguistics, literature, religion, philosophy.

The fund also contains the books provided from Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, United States and other countries through the exchange.

In addition, Archive Fund stores the books that were published in the country until 1920, and 64 periodicals. Fund of Eastern literature is of great importance for scientists and researchers, and holds more than 75 000 copies.

At the event, discussions were held regarding to enrich language skills of specialists of Arabic-speaking and Persian-speaking.

In conclusion, the student -interns were awarded by certificates for successful participation at the program.

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