Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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11.04.2022 15:55
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Academician Arif Hashimov met with young scientists of ANAS

Academician Arif Hashimov met with young scientists of ANAS

On April 8, Acting President of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov met with the chairmen of the councils of young scientists and specialists of scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy.

Opening the event, academician Arif Hashimov said that earlier, meetings were held with representatives of scientific departments of ANAS to discuss the upcoming tasks for the sustainable development of Azerbaijani science, based on the proposals made by the Presidium of ANAS, the relevant decision has been adopted and certain works have already been started in this direction.

Academician Arif Hashimov noted that there are ancient and rich traditions of scientific knowledge in Azerbaijan. Our country was one of the main scientific centers of research in oil, gas, chemistry and other fields of the former USSR and achievements in Azerbaijani science have always been highly appreciated in all periods. According to the academician, over the past period, our scientists have created many scientific schools in Azerbaijan and trained personnel contributing to the development of our society. Noting the strong human resources of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov stressed the importance of preserving and developing our scientific schools and human resources at the expense of promising modern youth.

Noting the demand for the expansion of applied works in the Academy by the society today, the head of ANAS stressed the necessity of the application of the research to be carried out in the future in various fields of industry, agriculture and economy.

He called on youth to take initiative in this direction and be active in the implementation of applied works in ANAS.

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS, PhD in chemistry Elmir Babayev touched on a number of issues reflecting the current problems of younth in scientific and scientific-organizational activities. He proposed the establishment of the award of ANAS to stimulate youth distinguished in scientific and scientific-organizational activities during the year in order to increase the interest of youth in science. Noting that issues such as participation in grant projects are one of the priority areas of the council, E.Babayev said that today young scientists of ANAS take part in the grant programs of the Science Development Fund, SOCAR Science Fund and the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, but the work on international grants is not satisfactory. According to him, in order to solve problems in this direction, educational seminars were held for young people with the support and organization of the Scientific Organization office of the Presidium of ANAS and the Division of International Scientific Cooperation.

It is also aimed at expanding the international relations of youth at the expense of scientific conferences, symposia, practice programs, early detection of potential youth, development of their scientific, scientific-organizational abilities and preparation for responsible posts, development of science in the regions for balancing the social environment, etc. and he made his suggestions.

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Dendrology Sona Guluzadeh, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Information Technology Aysan Farajova, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature Dilbar Huseynova, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Republican Seismic Survey, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Physics, PhD in physics Behbud Ibrahimov, chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Oriental Studies, PhD in philosophy Elnur Mustafayev and scientific secretary of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Genetic Resources Jala Nasibova making a speech at the event, they voiced their proposals and problems.

The proposals include expanding self-financing opportunities using modern equipment, directing talented staff to science by holding meetings in schools and lyceums, carrying out seismological enlightenment works in regional schools, increasing the number of local grant organizations, attracting english-language teachers with the support of the Academy to prepare for doctoral foreign language exams, helping employees of ANAS to pay for doctoral exams of the State Examination Center, inclusion of arabic and persian languages in the minimum exams for doctoral and dissertation, sending youth abroad for internship, training of personnel in the field of epigraphy, etc. it was noted.

Expressing his attitude to the mentioned proposals, head of the Division of International Scientific Cooperation of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in biology Esmira Alirzayeva noted that there are many programs for youth to practice abroad and every month information about them is sent to scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS. Esmira Alirzayeva said that the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) opened wide opportunities among the existing programs and that several young employees of ANAS received doctoral and post-doctoral studies based on the financial support of the IDB. She also brought to the attention that on the basis of the opinion of the relevant state bodies, jobs and salaries of youth going to study doctoral studies abroad will be maintained.

In addition, informing about the European Commission's research and Innovation program “Horizon Europe”, Esmira Alirzayeva emphasized that there is a great interest in the research of Azerbaijani scientists abroad, our scientists, including the international consortium, together with their foreign colleagues, will be able to conduct research in oil and gas, earth sciences, folklore studies, oriental studies and other areas within the framework of the “Horizon Europe”.

Later, the head of the Scientific Organization Office of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in physics, Associate Professor Rustam Rustamov proposed the creation of the Youth Innovative Center or Youth Excellence Center in ANAS for the implementation of the above-mentioned proposals, joint use of equipment and conducting joint research by youth.

At the end, academician Arif Hashimov recommended that the proposals be summarized and submitted to the Presidium of ANAS, saying that meetings with youth will be continued on a regular basis and wished them success in their activities.

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