Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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An online lecture was held on the topic of technology commercialization in research institutes within the project implemented by ANAS HTP and STEPI
19.05.2022 14:12
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An online lecture was held on the topic of technology commercialization in research institutes within the project implemented by ANAS HTP and STEPI

On May 18, within the framework of the project “Operational program of ANAS HTP: Implementation and capacity building” jointly implemented by ANAS HTP and STEPI, Professor of Gyeongsang National University of Korea (GNU), Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Jong-Bok Park presented “State research institutes and An online seminar on "Commercialization of technologies" was held. Professor Park, a member of the Korean National Academy of Engineering, a researcher at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology and the Korean Institute of Industrial Economics and Trade, and president of the Korean Innovation Society, mentioned that,  the mechanism of state-funded research institutes in Korea is technology transfer and commercialization programs. He responded numerous questions about Korean experience in research institutes.

During the discussions, the participants exchanged views on the work carried out and issues related to Azerbaijan.

During the event, project coordinator Bunyamin Seyidov informed about the creation of an online platform for commercialization of technology transfer. The platform will strengthen research and industry cooperation by ensuring the interaction of research institutions, scientists and specialists, intellectual property owners, business-minded intellectual creators with industrial and technology parks, technology transfer centers, business incubators and similar enterprises.

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