Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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01.07.2022 15:21
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The “Day of Graduates” of masters of ANAS took place

The “Day of Graduates” of masters of ANAS took place

On July 1, the “Day of Graduates” of masters of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held at the Central Scientific Library.

The presenter of the event, graduate of the Institute of Botany of ANAS Govhar Suleymanova welcomed the guests and declared the “Day of Graduates” open. Then the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was sounded.

Later, the Acting president of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov congratulated the graduates on a significant day and emphasized the importance of the master's education carried out in ANAS in preserving the personnel potential of the Academy and training new highly qualified personnel.

Noting that the master's degree of higher education at ANAS was established in 2015 and over the past period, 492 people studied at the master's degree of the Academy, academician Arif Hashimov said that in 2017-2021 328 people and in 2022 53 people graduated. He noted that thanks to the professionalism of the teaching staff, the demand for young people and the material and technical training base, the masters' classes were held at a high level, as a result of which the indicators of this year's graduates were at a high level.

He noted the importance of directing academic graduates to doctoral and dissertation studies of ANAS and ensuring their stay in science.

At the end of his speech, academician Arif Hashimov expressed his gratitude to those who contributed to the training of masters, as well as members of the Presidium, active and corresponding members, directors of the institutes, heads of Education departments and professor-teaching staff and wished success to young people in their future lives and scientific activities.

Vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli emphasized that today the master's degree of higher education in our country is a clear indicator of the fact that education in Azerbaijan is in European standards. Noting that the master's degree plays the role of a bridge between higher education and science, the academician brought to the attention that young graduates are well aware of foreign languages and modern information technologies, which is of great importance in their future scientific activities.

Noting that proud of the traditions, history, language, literature and culture of his country is the first quality of scientists, academician Isa Habibbayli said that only a scientist with a sense of national pride can train patriotic youth.

He also proposed the creation of a master's scientific society for mastering primary scientific skills, publishing articles and participating in conferences.

Then, vice-president of ANAS, academician Dilgam Tagiyev said that masters existed since ancient Rome and were considered the most influential persons of society. He said that rectors of a number of European universities were elected by masters in the middle ages. He noted that the master's degree in Russia was established in 1801 and abolished in 1917. According to him, in 1999, due to the transition of some European countries to the Bologna education system, attention to master's degree was increased.

Noting that there are about 22 thousand master programs in the world, the scientist touched upon the importance of preparing masters on the real sectors of the economy on order. He said that the education system in the world is developing and updating and it is important to be ready for it.

He also noted the importance of paying constant attention to the training of young highly qualified personnel in ensuring the future development of Azerbaijani science.

On the “Day of Graduates”, as well as vice-president of ANAS, academician Irada Huseynova said that in 2015, 18 people were admitted to the master's degree at ANAS and the first issue was realized in 2017. Academician Irada Huseynova said that during 2017-2021, of 328 graduates, 110 of them continued their education at the doctoral and dissertation level and 98 of them continued their education at ANAS. She noted that 12 people abroad, such as Oxford, Birmingham, Montpellier universities of Great Britain, etc. they continue their education in the prestigious higher educational institutions of the world. She said that one of the former graduates is already a doctor of philosophy and this is a clear proof of how much attention is paid to the master's degree and training of young scientific personnel at the Academy.

Noting that paying attention to youth in our republic is one of the main priorities of the state policy, academician Irada Huseynova said that scientific and intellectual potential plays an important role in the future of every country. Drawing attention to the importance of educating young people in the national spirit, the academician stressed that the people of Azerbaijan are talented people and this should be used for the prosperity of our state.

The event was also attended by the head of the Department of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Doctor of Philosophy Fizuli Gurbanov, English teacher Aynur Meherremova, former graduates of the master's degree of ANAS-doctoral student of the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology Nigar Mustafayeva, doctoral student of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry Garay Ashirov and current graduates - in their speech, the master of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics Nazim Aliyev and the master of the Institute of Botany Govhar Suleymanova spoke about the importance of studying for a master's degree, the need to continue training graduates in doctoral and dissertation, the need to constantly work on themselves and do useful work for our people and the state.

After the speeches, gifts were presented to the graduates, photos were taken for memory.

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