Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The Network of National Coordinating Persons for the “Horizon Europe” program has been updated
24.08.2022 14:30
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The Network of National Coordinating Persons for the “Horizon Europe” program has been updated

The next phase of the framework programs of the European Commission for 2021-2027 “Horizon Europe” is the largest research and innovation program, with a budget of 95.5 billion euros. Azerbaijan participates as the Eastern Partnership countries in this program covering areas such as health, culture, creativity, inclusive society, digital, industry, space, climate, energy, mobility, food, bioeconomics, national resources, agriculture, environment and etc.

The Network of National Coordinating Persons (NNCP) operates to use the capabilities of Horizon programs, regularly disseminate information about the call among local organizations and specialists, select partners, support the development and presentation of projects. In Azerbaijan, as in other countries, this session has been updated on the directions of “Horizon Europe” based on online meetings and discussions with representatives of the European Commission. Vice-president of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Guliyev has been appointed as the coordinator of the NNCP, as members of which are specialists of relevant government agencies, science, education and health institutions and as a coordinator the Department of İnternational Scientific Cooperation of the Presidium of ANAS.

The portal “Horizon Europe” contains information about the Network of National Coordinating Persons of Azerbaijan, communication means of the network members.

You can also get information about NNCP members here.

It should be noted that in recent years, as a result of the activities of the members of the NNCP, the activity of Azerbaijani scientists and specialists in the “Horizon” programs has increased, which is especially noticeable on the Marie Sklodovsk-Curie and COST programs.

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