Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.06.2015 07:58
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Academic Council of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics held next assembly

Academic Council of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics held next assembly

Academic Council of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) held next assembly on June 19. Opening the event deputy director of the institute for academic affairs, Dr. geology-mineralogy Dadash Huseynov informed on the issues of agenda. In advance, he spoke about researches on topic “Binagadi finding location of fourth quarter fauna and flora: achievements, problems and prospects". Deeds done by Museum of Nature History on behalf of H. Zardabi (MNH) over current topic are of importance in terms of studying ancient history, science promotion and development of tourism leaning to academic capacity. Museum employees achieved vital successes in this direction latest years.

Head of MNH, PhD in Biology Tariyel Eybatov delivered lecture on current outputs. As a result of excavations carried out in the fauna and flora cemetery of Binagadi, more than 30 thousand bones, teeth, feathers and arthropod chitin covers have been found and bitumen refining carried out. 3 new bird species and many new plant species were added to the museum's collection, he added.

Outputs of researches held on findings were discussed via directories of the Geology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (March 2015) and George C. Page and Natural History Museums in Los Angeles in April 2015. Meeting dealt with cooperation opportunities of per 3 organizations.

The old rhinoceros found at fauna and flora cemetery of Binagadi is 45 thousand years rather than 190 thousand, juniper is 55 thousand as well, T.Eybatov stressed out.

Then, outputs of the researches widely discussed and questions responded.

Assembly continued with discussion of academic-organizing issues. D. Huseynov who spoke on orders of the head of ANAS and decisions of the Presidium, stated that, since this year doctoral exams will be carried out on a test method and so, leading scientists of IGG should conduct test questions over 15 scientific directions until October 1.

Afterwards, was told about execution of various program and grant projects. Detailed information were given on the researches carried out on topics "Paleomagnetism and depth structure of the Azerbaijani territory”, "Physical-chemical conditions of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous intrusive magmatism crystallization of Gadabay ore region and objectives of distribution process of ore forming elements during evolution process” and "Modern geodynamics, geophysical areas and depth structure of Azerbaijan Republic", including done fulfillments in execution of "Action Plan on researching and reducing radon danger in Azerbaijan Republic in 2014-2018” and conduction of " Geological-geographical atlas of Karabakh”.

Assembly completed with discussion of staff, academic edition and other issues.

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