Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.07.2015 16:01
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Azerbaijan’s plant world arise interest

Azerbaijan’s plant world arise interest

With the growing interest in our country and its beautiful nature Central Botanical Garden is increasingly attracting the attention of residents and guests. Located in the central part of the garden is famous for the rich diversity of species of beautiful ornamental grasses, rare species of trees and shrubs.

Charge d'Affaires of Colombia in Azerbaijan, Assad Pena and spokesman of culture and education Eliana Murillo visited the Central Botanical Garden and Institute of Botany of ANAS.

During the meeting, Director of the Institute of Botany, corresponding member of ANAS Valida Alizadeh informed about international relations and areas of cooperation of the Institute. Talking about the work done in the direction of expansion of international relations, V.Alizadeh stressed the importance of mutual exchange of experience.

Deputy Director for scientific affairs of the Central Botanical Garden, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Vahid Farzaliyev spoke about the outlooks of development, stressed the importance of enriching the living collections of the garden.

Making speechabout his country, Assad Pena said that Colombia is one of the richest countries in the world in biodiversity of flora. This country is the second largest producer in the world of flowering plants and roses. Highlighting the richness of the flora of Azerbaijan, the Ambassador stressed the importance of expanding cooperation between scientific institutions of the two countries and put forward an initiative for the implementation of joint projects.

In closing, the guests got acquainted with the Herbarium, Botanical Museum, a rich library and laboratories of the Institute, as well as a lively collection of the Central Botanical Garden.

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