Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.09.2015 08:44
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“Ibn Makula about Azerbaijani intellectuals” book released

“Ibn Makula about Azerbaijani intellectuals” book released

“Ibn Makula about Azerbaijani intellectuals” book by Deputy Director for scientific affairs of Azerbaijan National History Museum of ANAS, Dr. History Nargis Aliyeva, was released.

New edition embraces data on the over 60 Azerbaijani muhaddith, poet, linguist, mystic, faqih, and commanders by prominent Arabian scientist Ibn Makula who visited Azerbaijan in the XI century. Ibn Makula had pilgirmaged Ganja mosque and library, met with domestic scientists and held exchange of views. His data about Azerbaijani scientists who had functioned in the cultural centers of Azerbaijan, including about his sheik Ibn Khordadbeh were precious as an initial source.

Scientific editor and author of book preface is director of the Institute of History of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov.

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