The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS discussed the preparations for the historical and ethnographic volume of "Azerbaijanis" in Russian in the context of a multi-volume edition of the series "People and culture" of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology.
Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Dr. History Maisa Rahimova announced the creation of the series of historical and ethnographic volumes about the peoples of the world by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. She stressed that in this context, the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences addressed to the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography to prepare a volume of "Azerbaijanis" about the history and Ethnography of the Azerbaijani people.
M.Ragimova also stressed the importance of the volume of "Azerbaijanis" in the popularization of historic territories, ethnography, material and spiritual values of our people in the Russian scientific environment. She noted that the staff of the Institute should be with caution and responsibility in the preparation of the submitted sections of History and Ethnography of the Azerbaijani people.
Speaking on this occasion Academician Teymur Bunyadov and Dr. History Aliaga Mammadli said that already defined the structure and the main sections of the volume, on which work continues. Along with the employees of the institute in the preparation sections also were attracted specialists from other scientific and educational institutions.
During the discussions, presentations were made by staff of the Institute, responsible for writing each section, as well as exchanged views on the topic.
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