Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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21.10.2015 13:47
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Science Development Fund held a presentation on the results of the tenders

Science Development Fund held a presentation on the results of the tenders

At “Hilton-Baku” hotel  was held the presentation ceremony of “Assessment of children's development” book (author: Turana Aliyev) issued under the grant project of Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, under the scientific editorship of the head of the department of social and educational psychology in Baku State University, Professor Kamila Aliyeva on October 21.

At the event within the framework of the State Program also held a traditional meeting with young scientists and specialists, and project managers, who won the third competition “Grant of Shusha” in Karabakh research.

The executive director of SDF, who made a speech at action, the Doctor of philosophy on physical and mathematical sciences Elchin Babayev told about the State programs and projects which are carried out in our country in the field of development of science.

Informed on the book, he noted that in “Assessment of children's development” book information on physical, social and moral, emotional, and also speech development of children of preschool age is given.

In the new edition is in detail presented the history of the Developmental Screening

Method for Children (DSMC), which is widely used in the evaluation of early childhood development in Canada, Lithuania and other countries.

Further acted the author of the book Turana Aliyeva, who noted that, a new edition is prepared to provide relevant knowledge and skills of students enrolled on the specialty psychology, and the specialists who have specific training in the field of psychological assessment.

Within the presentation also was held meeting with the leaders of the winning projects grant competition of Science Development Fund. Note that the 3 competition "Grant of Shusha" with funding of 220,000 manats 5 projects were declared as winners.

According to results of the 3rd grant competition of young scientists and experts 24 projects with total amount of financing of 500000 manat were declared as winners.

Finally, the heads of the winning projects were awarded certificates.

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