Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.11.2015 12:00
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Literary-art meeting on the occasion of Seyid Azim Shirvani’s 180th anniversary held

Literary-art meeting on the occasion of Seyid Azim Shirvani’s 180th anniversary held

Supported by the Aran regional branch of the National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS and Executive Power of Kurdamir region, in high school of the Atakishili village of the same district held literary-art meeting on the occasion of 180th anniversary of the prominent representative of the of Eastern classical poetry, great promoter of educational ideas of the XIX century Seyid Azim Shirvani.

The event was organized in the style of a "Beytush Shafa" literary meeting carried out by the prominent philanthropist of the XIX century Shirvanli Mahmud and Sayid Azim which was attended by many famous people of the world.

Leading of the meeting, Head of Aran department of the museum, PhD in philology Yagut Bahadurgizi told the audience about the life and work of Seyid Azim Shirvani.

The meeting attended by the prominent representatives of the intelligentsia of the republic, figures of science and art, Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, head of department of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS Haji Seyfaddin Ganiyev, Honored Artist of the Republic, mugham singers Haji Agil Malikov, People Artist of the republic Gulyaz Mammadova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Ashugs Union of Shirvan, ashug Agamurad Israfilov, Honored Artist of the Republic, venerable orator-reader Eldost Bayram, a teacher of the National Conservatory, Tarzan (the performer of kemancha) Mehman Mikayilov, and the performer of kemancha Jahandar Mikayilov.

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