Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.12.2015 13:52
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“Literature of Turkic peoples: origin, development phases and problems” international scientific conference kicked off

“Literature of Turkic peoples: origin, development phases and problems” international scientific conference kicked off

International scientific conference “Literature of Turkic peoples: origin, development phases and problems” organized by Institute of Literature was held at main building of ANAS on December 1.

Two days international conference brought together celebrated scientist and specialists of Turkey, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakstan and Kirgiztan and other Turkic-speaking countries.

Opening the conference Vice-President of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature Academician Isa Habibbayli stressed the significance of the conference devoted to literature of Turkic peoples. Conference is held in Baku for the first time during the years of independence and involved 94 scientists from 8 countries, he stated.

Event aimed to accelerate literary and cultural integration of Turkic-speaking peoples, discuss solutions of problems set before research works in literature and literatures of Turkic-speaking peoples in recent years.

Making speech on study and investigation of common Turkic literature in latest years, academician brought to fore enhancing of literary-cultural ties and friendship relations among Turkic states after establishment of International Turkic Academy.

Then, head of Ataturk Center to Azerbaijan, Honored Scientist, and corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov noted that, independent study of literature of the Turkic peoples should begin from study of common Turkic literature. “The most celebrated Russian scientists also confessed that, it is impossible to cognate the world literature without learning Turkic language and literature,” he added.

Director of the Institute of Folklore, corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov, Prof. Mesut Shen (Turkey), Asoc. Prof. Dr. Rahmatullah Barakayev (Uzbekistan), Asoc. Prof. Seyfeddin Altayli (Turkey), Professors Mammad Aliyev, Maharram Gasimli and others underlined the importance of these conferences in terms of integration of the Turkic peoples, and wished successes to its work.

Conference continued its work in plenary sessions.

Proceedings of the book will be published in a book form.

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