Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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06.05.2024 16:00
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The second meeting of the commission on common alphabet of the Turkic world was held in Baku

The second meeting of the commission on common alphabet of the Turkic world was held in Baku

The second meeting of the commission on common alphabet of the Turkic world was held in Azerbaijan Ataturk Center on May 6.

The meeting was jointly organized by the International Turkic academy, Turkish institution under the Atatürk Culture, Language and History Higher Institution as well as the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS named after Nasimi.

Nizami Jafarov, academician, director of Azerbaijan Ataturk Center made a speech at the meeting saying that the Center was established at the initiative of National leader Heydar Aliyev and nearly 25 years has been working for deeply studying and promoting the Turkic history and culture.

Isa Habibbeyli, Academician, President of ANAS underscored that rapid integration processes in the Turkic world is becoming more important for settlement of many issues as well as for the creation of common alphabet. He pointed out that from this point of view the discussions held on the creation of common alphabet are necessities of our present-day world and mean a lot.

The academician said that President Ilham Aliyev, during his speech at the inauguration ceremony held in February 14, pointed out that the cooperation with the Turkic world is a priority of the state policy and mentioned that the Organization of Turkic States is our family. Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS reminded the words of Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan Republic-“We will take our steps regarding international organizations. First of all, we will continue our efforts within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. This is a priority for us. I want to say it clearly. The current policy makes it clear to everyone. This is the main international organization for us because it is our family. We have no other family. Our family is the Turkic world”.

Isa Habibbeyli, the academician reminded that the issue on transition to a common Latin-based alphabet script of the Turkic world was discussed for the first time in the Baku Turkology Congress which was held nearly 100 years ago. Two main issues were discussed at the 1926 Baku Turkology Congress; simplification and adoption of Arabic alphabet and transition to Latin alphabet. The academician also said the congress was of great importance for studying the history, literature, language, alphabet, ethnography and culture of the Turkic people living in the territory of USSR.

Reminding that the reforms of the alphabet in the Turkic world started by prominent Azerbaijani thinker Mirza Fatali Akhundov, Isa Habibbeyli, the academician said that the Latin-based alphabet script was created in 1879 and certain works had been done in this direction by the Alphabet Commission established in 1924. The president of ANAS wished success to the commission in the creation of single alphabet of the Turkic states.

Later on, the president of ANAS presented a book of Mahmud Kashgari “Diwan Lugat At-Turk” translated into Azerbaijani by Khalid Said Khojayev in 35-37th, published by the Institute of Linguistics to Shahin Mustafayev, president international Turkic academy.

Shahin Mustafayev, president of International Turkic Academy also made a speech at the meeting and said that the creation of common alphabet of the Turkic world is a necessary matter for the all Turkic intellectuals. He also stressed that the preservation of the language unity of the Turkic world is of great importance for strengthening of the cooperation.   

Professor Osman Mert, head of Turkish Language Institution also made a speech at the meeting and pointed out that the creation of the common alphabet of the Turkic world is a historical event and it is important from tourism point of view.

Making a speech at the meeting Hasan Hasanov, member of council of elders of Organization of Turkic States said that the work on creation of cthe ommon alphabet is in process at present and President Ilham Aliyev gives great support to the works in this direction. 

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, department of information of administration of the Presidium of ANAS

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