Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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01.06.2024 21:25
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A world-famous scientist, Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar visited Nakhchivan State University

A world-famous scientist, Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar visited Nakhchivan State University

The meeting of outstanding scientist, Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry Aziz Sancar was organized in Nakhchivan State University.

Rector of Nakhchivan State University Elbrus Isayev cordially welcomed Aziz Sancar, who highly respects the brotherhood of the Turkic World and loves Azerbaijan as much as his country. The rector underlined that the meeting with the first Nobel Prize scientist of the Turkic world was of great importance.    

Elbrus Isayev said that Aziz Sancar assessed the victory in Karabakh as the second major victory of the Turkic World after Turkish War of Independence. He reminded that by the order of President Ilham Aliyev September 10, 2021 Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar was awarded “Honorary Diploma of President of the Azerbaijan Republic”.

Elbrus Isayev spoke about the cooperation between the Nakhchivan State University and higher education institutions of Turkey: “We have relations with almost 80 universities of Turkey. Nearly 2000 students study in Nakhchivan State University”.

The president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli made a speech at the event. He said that he was pleased to see Aziz Sancar in that auditorium and highlighted the meeting as a significant event in the history of scientific and cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Welcoming all attendees Aziz Sancar spoke about his endless love for Azerbaijan and said that he considered the victory of Azerbaijan in the Patriotic War as a victory of all Turkic World: “I want to see the unity of the Turkic World. This is my biggest dream”.

The Nobel Prize laureate underlined that every success was built on hard work: “No matter how the technology advances, the people must learn basic knowledge and skills. However, humanity should be at the foundation of all sciences. Your scientific pursuits should aim to benefit all people”.   

Nobel Prize laureate Aziz Sancar responded the questions of the students.

The distinguished scientist was awarded on behalf of the professors and teaching staff of the university.

A third year medical student Nazrin Hasanova was awarded Aziz Sancar student scholarship established by the University Academic Council.

It should be mentioned that the consul general of Turkey to Nakhchivan Asip Kaya also participated in the meeting.   

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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